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FFXIV / FF14 Eorzea Database - Convenient Item Search DB


1 2 3 4 5 ... Total : 40,030
Lakeland LongswordLakeland LongswordArms > Gladiator's Arm Antea PhyseosAntea PhyseosArms > Gladiator's Arm Antea EurekaAntea EurekaArms > Gladiator's Arm
Omega SwordOmega SwordArms > Gladiator's Arm AnteaAnteaArms > Gladiator's Arm Augmented Scaevan Magitek KatzbalgerAugmented Scaevan Magitek KatzbalgerArms > Gladiator's Arm Hydatos Sword +1Hydatos Sword +1Arms > Gladiator's Arm Seiryu's LongswordSeiryu's LongswordArms > Gladiator's Arm Hydatos SwordHydatos SwordArms > Gladiator's Arm Scaevan Magitek KatzbalgerScaevan Magitek KatzbalgerArms > Gladiator's Arm
Yama BladeYama BladeArms > Gladiator's Arm Pyros SwordPyros SwordArms > Gladiator's Arm Suzaku's LongswordSuzaku's LongswordArms > Gladiator's Arm Deepgold AnelaceDeepgold AnelaceArms > Gladiator's Arm Elemental Sword +2Elemental Sword +2Arms > Gladiator's Arm Rakshasa BladeRakshasa BladeArms > Gladiator's Arm Elemental Sword +1Elemental Sword +1Arms > Gladiator's Arm Diamond SwordDiamond SwordArms > Gladiator's Arm Curtana UltimaCurtana UltimaArms > Gladiator's Arm Elemental SwordElemental SwordArms > Gladiator's Arm
1 2 3 4 5 ... Total : 40,030
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